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Open Smart Grid - OpenSG > SG Simulations
SG Simulations

The purpose of the OpenSG Simulations Working Group is to facilitate work on modeling and simulation of modern electric power systems as they evolve from highly centralized to more distributed and hybrid architectures, with control schemes based on increasingly integrated and pervasive information and communications technologies.

The goal of the WG is to develop a framework and requirements for modeling and simulation tools and platforms, which support this evolution in power system design, engineering, and operation.

The business rationale for the WG’s work is based on the financial and operational advantages that modeling and simulation of complex technical systems can deliver to the utility industry.



Please take part in the Smart Grid Modeling & Simulation Survey! 
by Steffen.Schütte
 3/8/2012 1:53 PM
next call 
by win.cuthbert
 11/10/2011 11:06 AM
November 11, 2011 08:00 pst
Next Call - Tuesday, October 11, 2011 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM PDT 
by win.cuthbert
 10/11/2011 11:57 AM
Next Call - 06/14 11:00-12:30 (PST) 
by win.cuthbert
 6/8/2011 2:18 AM
Simulation R&D, preview of IEEE PES GM - Jason Taylor, EPRI + possible Guest Speaker


  Link to OpenSG-SimulationWG listserv
  Link to the new Smart Grid Modeling & Simulation Survey