OSGug Meeting San Francisco, CA
February 1-4, 2010
PAP 2 Meeting
February 4, 2010
NOTE: If you are attending BOTH meetings, just register for the OSG and include PAP 2 in the "meal request" box...
Click on payment amount to select registration |
OSGug Meeting
& PAP 2 Meeting Registration
Febrary 1-4, 2010 |
Boot Camp Registration ONLY Febrary 1, 2010 |
PAP 2 Meeting Registration ONLY Febrary 4, 2010 |
UCAIug/OSGug Member or Non-Member


University Student/Faculty

Registration Fees
OSGug meetings are open to both members and non-members. Those who are not members are welcome to attend. Lunches and break refreshments are included in the conference fee.
Special dietary needs can be served as well - please indicate any requirements in the registration process. Notification must be received two weeks prior to the conference for this requirement.
Method of Payment
The OSG User Group (OSGug) is affiliated with the UCA International Users Group (UCAIug), which manages registration for OSGug meetings. UCAIug accepts credit card transactions on its web site and this is the only method of payment.
On-Site Registration
Attendees will receive a name badge at registration. Walk-in attendees who have not paid registration can register via credit card payment on a computer at the registration desk. UCAIug accepts credit card transactions on its web site and this is the only method of payment.
PG&E Tour
Registration for the visit to PG&E's facilities in San Ramon on Tuesday February 2. Has been extgended to Jan 25. Buses will leave the SFO Hilton between 3:00 and 3:30 pm. The tour consists of visiting PG&E's Applied Technology Services Lab as well as their Technology Innovation Center's Communications and Sensor Lab."
Getting Help with Registration
Other questions may come up before the conference. If you have any questions, add them to the Discussion Board (click here). Conference organizers will receive an Alert and get back to you with an answer.