Green Button is gaining implementations at a rapid pace. A testing and certification regime is necessary to sustain a valuable brand as well as rein-in dispersion of implementations:
· Testing and Certification affords implementers confidence that they will likely interoperate with other independently developed implementations
· Minimum agreed performance threshold gives interoperability value and therefore increases the value of the brand
· Dispersion of implementations costs implementers
o Exception handling code quickly exceeds implementation code
o Differences risks functionality apps depend on
· Dispersion of implementations costs Data Custodians
o Need to deal with Third Parties with different needs and expectations
o Unwanted support calls from consumers about difficulties with their apps due to inconsistent implementation
In this regard, we are trying to accelerate the development of a comprehensive testing specification and implementation tools for Green Button Download My Data (File transfer from Data Custodian to Retail Customer) and Green Button Connect My Data (automated data exchange).