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Service Requests: ESPI lacks clarity for sending OAuth authorizations in batch

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Service Request

ESPI lacks clarity for sending OAuth authorizations in batch 


If it is possible to send updates for resources requiring multiple distinct authorizations, the method for doing so needs to be defined. One possible way would be to add signature_method, signature, and nonce to Authorization and allow it to be included with BatchItemInfo. Otherwise, if Data Custodians are to verify valid authorization within batch POSTs, and reject submissions associated with resources to which the Authorized Thrid Party does not have authorization, that should be specified.


steve.van ausdall 


(2) Normal 

Service Representative


Assigned To



ESPI; OpenADE; GreenButton 


donald.coffinNo presence information (8/17/2012 4:52 PM): Assuming the definition of "bulk" and "batch" as described in John Teeter's definition. The current OAuth flow should be capable of handling the "batch" situation, since it requires the Data Custodian to only verify the authorization of a single user. The "bulk" situation requires the Data Custodian to verify the user has authorization to access the data of multiple Retail Customers. One method of achieving this would be for the Data Custodian to establish a "unique" UserID for the "bulk" user account which would then allow the "bulk" transfer transaction to utilize the same OAuth process as all other users. For the "bulk" user to gain access to various different Retail Customer's data, the Data Custodian would then be required to establish a technique that a Retail Customer can use to "grant" permission to the "bulk" user to access their data. The definition of this "granting" process is beyond the scope of the ESPI standard and therefore is NOT covered.
john.teeter1No presence information (8/14/2012 3:31 PM): We had a brief discussion about "Batch" on OpenESPI call. While we didn't resolve the OAuth question directly, we figure there were two categories of things: "Batch" and "Bulk" where: Batch is the delivery of multiple resources under the auspices of a single Retail Customer's authorization. Bulk is the delivery of multiple resources under the auspices of 1 or more Retail Customer's authorization. I could do a "batch" request for multiple subscriptions owned by one user; or I might do a "bulk" request for multiple subscriptions each of which might be owned by different Retail Customers. The OAuth implications of the two (batch.vs.bulk) seem to be unique.



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Resolution Time

Version: 4.0 
Created at 2/23/2012 1:29 PM  by steve.van ausdall 
Last modified at 8/17/2012 4:52 PM  by donald.coffin