| Getting Started with Enterprise Architect and Subversion | A walkthrough on the configuration and use of the tools, including the development of common deliverables used by OpenSG including use case, activity, and sequence diagrams. | | | | |
  | OpenADE Boot Camp Slides | Overview of OpenADE. | | | | |
 | OpenHAN Boot Camp | OpenHAN TF and HAN SRS | | | | |
 | Service Definition Team Activities | A high-level review of the service definition team's process and activities. | | | | |
 | SG Systems notes 7202010 AM Session | SG Systems notes 7202010 AM Session | | | | |
 | SG-Systems WG | Agenda and general slides for SG-Systems WG meeting | | | | |
 | Enterprise Information Management (EIM) | Overview of EIM discussed during SG-System WG meeting. EIM is a new area of interest that several utilities have expressed an interest in addressing within SG-Systems. | | | | |
 | SG-Systems WG Roadmap | Past and planned milestones of SG-Systems Working Group. Includes discussion on potential areas to address by new task forces of SG-Systems. | | | | |
 | OpenADR Boot Camp Slides | Overview of OpenADR | | | | |
 | 20100720_UCA_OpenSG_plenary_final. | OpenSG Users Group Meeting Open Plenary presentation Detroit Westin Book Cadillac Hotel July 20, 2010 | | | | |
 | 201000722-OpenSG-Closing-Plenary | OpenSG Users Group meeting Closing Plenary Presentation Detroit Westin Book Cadillac Hotel July 22, 2010 | | | | |
 | Conformity Boot Camp Slides | Materials presented at OSG Conformity Boot Camp 07/19/2010 | | | | |