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Welcome to the OpenADE site! This site is used to collaborate and share information related to our work. The OpenADE Task Force is a group of smart energy management vendors, utilities, and consumer interests developing recommendations toward building interoperable data exchanges that will allow customer authorization and sharing of utility consumption information with 3rd party service providers. For more information, view our main OpenADE page and charter on Smartgridipedia!


OpenADE Task Force Charter 
by martin.burns
 8/22/2012 3:19 PM

·         UCAIug OpenSG OpenADE shall promote interoperability for Green Button

·         Based on NAESB REQ.21 Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI).

·         Collect and refine changes and extensions to ESPI and related standards.

·        ...

OpenADE Test Plan Development Supports Green Button 
by martin.burns
 8/17/2012 7:28 AM

Green Button is gaining implementations at a rapid pace. A testing and certification regime is necessary to sustain a valuable brand as well as rein-in dispersion of implementations:

·         Testing and Certification affords implementers confidence...

NAESB ESPI 1.0 Ratified  
by steve.van ausdall
 11/10/2011 11:28 AM
The NAESB ESPI committee and executive committee has approved and ratified the first version of Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI), meeting OpenADE requirements for exchange of PAP10-compliant usage data. The implementable standard model business...
OpenADE 1.0 moving to NAESB SDO 
by steve.van ausdall
 8/11/2010 12:25 PM
The OpenADE TF and related groups have completed the gathering of requirements and initial Services Definition work for OpenADE 1.0 within OpenSG, and have published our collective work for use / reference by any SDO or standards development effort....
OpenADE 1.0 Business and User Requirements Approved by OpenSG 
by steve.van ausdall
 5/10/2010 7:35 PM
The first approved version of the business and user requirements for OpenADE 1.0 has been is available in Shared Documents and on Smartgridipedia. Stakeholders are welcome to submit comments to the Help Desk or OpenADE E-mail List.
(More Announcements...)


3/11/2025 3:00 PM   Monthly OpenADE Call 
This is the monthly OpenADE meeting. Working group deliverables, action items, and schedules are reviewed and updated. The following web meeting is used for these calls:
4/8/2025 3:00 PM   Monthly OpenADE Call 
This is the monthly OpenADE meeting. Working group deliverables, action items, and schedules are reviewed and updated. The following web meeting is used for these calls:
5/6/2025 3:00 PM   Monthly OpenADE Call 
This is the monthly OpenADE meeting. Working group deliverables, action items, and schedules are reviewed and updated. The following web meeting is used for these calls:
6/3/2025 3:00 PM   Monthly OpenADE Call 
This is the monthly OpenADE meeting. Working group deliverables, action items, and schedules are reviewed and updated. The following web meeting is used for these calls:
7/1/2025 3:00 PM   Monthly OpenADE Call 
This is the monthly OpenADE meeting. Working group deliverables, action items, and schedules are reviewed and updated. The following web meeting is used for these calls:
7/29/2025 3:00 PM   Monthly OpenADE Call 
This is the monthly OpenADE meeting. Working group deliverables, action items, and schedules are reviewed and updated. The following web meeting is used for these calls:
8/26/2025 3:00 PM   Monthly OpenADE Call 
This is the monthly OpenADE meeting. Working group deliverables, action items, and schedules are reviewed and updated. The following web meeting is used for these calls:
9/23/2025 3:00 PM   Monthly OpenADE Call 
This is the monthly OpenADE meeting. Working group deliverables, action items, and schedules are reviewed and updated. The following web meeting is used for these calls:
10/21/2025 3:00 PM   Monthly OpenADE Call 
This is the monthly OpenADE meeting. Working group deliverables, action items, and schedules are reviewed and updated. The following web meeting is used for these calls:
11/18/2025 3:00 PM   Monthly OpenADE Call 
This is the monthly OpenADE meeting. Working group deliverables, action items, and schedules are reviewed and updated. The following web meeting is used for these calls:
(More Events...)


  OpenADE Charter
  OpenADE E-mail List
  OpenADE Service Requests
  EnergyOS OpenESPI Open Source Project
  NAESB ESPI Green Button Toolkit
  SGIP Green Button Initiative
  NAESB ESPI Task Force
  Green Button Data