| OpenADE Boot Camp Slides | Overview of OpenADE. | | | | |
 | Service Definition Team Proces and Plans | A high level of the Service Definition team process, where it fits within OpenSG. | | | | |
 | SG-Systems WG | Overview of SG Systems Working Group and its task forces. | | | | |
 | Conformity Boot Camp Presentation | Slideset presented during Conformity boot camp session | | | | |
 | Getting Started with Enterprise Architect | Learn how to setup version control and create the diagrams used by the OpenSG community. | | | | |
 | OpenADE: Agenda, SGIP PAP10, NAESB ESPI | First of two OpenADE Sessions at Nov 2010 F2F | | | | |
 | Conformity WG Presentation - 02 Nov 2011 | Presentation from Conformity WG 02-November | | | | |
 | AMI-ENT - Service Definition Process and Governance | Presentation from Conformity - Enterprise/Edge boot camp and task force meeting | | | | |
 | SG Systems WG Meetings | SG Systems Working Group agenda and supporting material for session 1 (general business) and session 2 (Enterprise Information Management Task Force Kick-Off Meeting) | | | | |
 | OpenADE: Roadmaps, OpenADE 2.0 Scope | Second of two OpenADE Sessions at Nov 2010 F2F | | | | |
 | OpenSG Open Plenary Slides_110210 | OpenSG November Meeting Open Plenary Slides Ft. Lauderdale, FL | | | | |
 | OpenSG Closing Plenary Slides_110410 | OpenSG Ft. Lauderdale Meeting Closing Plenary Slides November 4, 2010 | | | | |
 | OpenSG Closing Plenary | Slide Deck from OpenSG Closing Plenary, Ft. Lauderdale 2010 | | | | |
 | Open SG Opening Plenary Ft Lauderdale 2010 | Slide Deck from OpenSG Opening Plenary, Ft. Lauderdale 2010 | | | | |
 | SG Security Boot Camp | Introduction to smart grid security issues and the SG Security Working Group. | | | | |
 | SG Security WG F2F session slides | Slides from Day 1 and 2 of the Ft. Lauderdale face-to-face meeting. | | | | |